Zip System
ZIP System® is a revolutionary new approach to building enclosures that combines structural, water and air management layers in one easy-to-install sheathing system.
ZIP System® sheathing and tape are designed to streamline the construction process and provide optimal performance for roofs and walls. ZIP System® sheathing is made of oriented strand board (OSB) with a water-resistant barrier that protects against moisture and air infiltration. ZIP System® tape is a high-performance acrylic tape that seals the panel seams and creates a continuous protective layer.
ZIP System® offers many benefits over traditional housewrap, such as:
Faster and simpler installation: ZIP System® sheathing and tape can be installed in one step, saving time and labor costs. No need for housewrap, felt paper, metal flashing or caulk.
Higher strength and durability: ZIP System® sheathing provides 10% more shear strength, meaning it stands strong in high-wind areas. It also resists warping, cracking and delamination due to moisture exposure.
Better energy efficiency: ZIP System® R-sheathing combines ZIP System® sheathing with continuous foam insulation, creating a tight thermal envelope that reduces heat loss and improves comfort. ZIP System® R-sheathing can help meet or exceed energy code requirements and lower heating and cooling costs.
Superior warranty: ZIP System® products come with a 30-year limited warranty that covers both the panels and the tape, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your work.
ZIP System® products are manufactured by Huber Engineered Woods, a leader in innovative wood-based solutions for the building industry. ZIP System® products are available through distributors nationwide. To learn more about ZIP System® products, visit or contact Huber Engineered Woods for a retailer near you.
ZIP System® by Huber Engineered Woods is the smart choice for building enclosures that last. Try it today and see the difference for yourself!