Montana’s New Energy Code

Residential Construction Energy Code Requirements

Planning to Purchase or Build a New Home in Montana? Montana has a state-wide energy code that governs all new home construction.

  • Use the Energy Code Guide  to help ensure your new home is comfortable, healthy, and energy code compliant. These codes are for the homeowner's protection.

  • Talk with your builder and look for the blue Energy Code Compliance Label on the electrical panel of your recently completed new home.

The new Montana Statewide Energy Code came into effect on June 10, 2022. Local code jurisdictions had up to 90 days to adopt the new code.  Outside of code jurisdictions, provisions of the Energy Code became effective as of June 10, 2022.  This updat

Energy Conservation

The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) can help homeowners and business owners save money and energy right now. By taking energy-saving measures, you will save energy and money. Some measures are simple and inexpensive. Others will take some investment. Money spent today to improve energy efficiency will reduce energy bills in the future.

When looking at any specific energy-saving ideas, its helpful to know how your home or business uses energy. Energy equals dollars and we pay a certain amount of money for every unit of energy used.

The new Montana Statewide Energy Code came into effect on June 10, 2022. Local code jurisdictions had up to 90 days to adopt the new code. Outside of code jurisdictions, provisions of the Energy Code became effective as of June 10, 2022.

This updated Energy Code essentially is the state's adoption of the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) with amendments specific to our region and climate. As in the past, the code continues to provide minimum requirements for the efficient design and construction of new and renovated homes. The Montana Residential Energy Code Handbook is a guide to complying with the statewide energy code or visit the Montana Residential Energy Code Summary Booklet or the Residential Energy Code Handbook.


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